“Exploration is tradition and innovation, experimentation and research, a continuous dialogue between past, present and future in which a person searches for his/her own identity. Exploration is the result of a constant evolution of oneself in relation to the choices made on the journey called life"
Ilaria Fabi
& Eleonora Valle
Overtime focuses on the relationship between past and future. It’s based on the concept of the passage of time, which tends to modify not only the human body but also the natural environment. We are like mountain rocks, the result of external events, changing their form and living through different experiences. Therefore, time is no longer seen as the enemy. Time, changing in every moment, is leading us towards new adventures and new obstacles to be overcome.
The garment design, will use upcycling of existing The North Face items and will be inspired by texture layering and topographics maps
“Exploring inside ourselves and exploring outside what is surrounding us is strongly intrinsic in all human beings. We find inspiration looking at the perpetual natural changes happening over time, to bring them back to life.”