Siebe Vanhee
Climber - Trad / Bigwall
Siebe Vanhee describes himself as “a rock climber and a globetrotter” and for a young man he has already enjoyed an incredibly diverse range of climbing experiences around the world. Passionate about everything from sport climbing to big wall adventures, he is constantly exploring new directions and styles to see where his interests and skills take him.
Quick Facts
Leuven, Belgium
Leuven, Belgium
Biggest dream
To bring climbing, nature and the climbing spirit to people and groups who might need it but don’t always have the access to climbing.
How do I focus
Best advice
If you don’t feel it, just don’t do it.
What inspires you?
Words to live by
Always do your best, and your best is good.
Favourite other fitness exercise
Redcord training (kind of like TRX)
I don’t leave home without my...
Top 5 career highlights
- Orbayu, the fifth free ascent of the 8c trad/sport multi-pitch route in Spain, 2020
- His first 9a sport route, Estado Critico, Spain 2021
- A single day free ascent of Unendliche Geschichte in Switzerland, 8b+, 11 pitches, 2020
- The third free ascent of Yeah Man, an 8b+ route over 9 pitches in Switzerland, 2019
- A single day free ascent – without any falls – on Silbergeier in Switzerland, 8b+ 6 pitches, 2019